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Kindness Challenge


Dear Yogis!

Happy World Kindness Day! 

Last yoga class we started celebrating by dedicating our practice to a very special person in your life who you wanted to send love and kind thoughts to.

I absolutely love this quote: “Unexpected kindness is the most powerful, least costly, and most underrated agent of human change”.

I would like to encourage you all to participate in a Kindness Challenge. Acts of kindness have a ripple effect spreading goodness around and making our world a better place to be. These acts don’t have to be big, just a simple compliment or sharing a funny joke can make someone’s day. Remember a wonderful French movie Amelie? A positive change starts with each one of us right here and right now. Here are a few great ideas to help you:

What are some nice things you did to make someone, our environment or yourself happier? Please use the comments below to share and inspire us with your kindness acts! 

Thank you,


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1 Comment

Lisa Owen
Lisa Owen
Nov 14, 2019

I actually can’t think of anything, which is definitely food for thought. Hmmm. Probably the latest act of kindness I did was looking after my friend’s kids so she could go and do some work, not sure if it counts...

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